Background images for presentation in formal
Background images for presentation in formal

Total Physical Response Choose a TESOL-related topic you are familiar with & talk about it (3-4 minutes ) FORMAL PRESENTATION The teacher gives command The teacher must be a native speaker or have native-like proficiency in the target language. The target culture is also taught inductively. Literary texts are read for pleasure and are not analyzed grammatically. Grammar is learned inductively (i.e., by repeated exposure to language in use, not through rules about forms). Actions and pictures are used to make meanings clear. Lessons begin with dialogues and anecdotes in modern conversational style. The communicative approach Does anyone remember SHINE orientation ? The direct method Language teaching methods Grammar-translation approach No use of the mother tongue is permitted (i.e., the teacher does not need to know the students' native language).

background images for presentation in formal

Accurate pronunciation is stressed from the beginning. Skills are sequenced: first listening and speaking are taught reading and writing are postponed. Grammatical structures are sequenced and rules are taught inductively (through planned exposure). Mimicry and memorization are used based on the assumption that language learning is habit formation. The teacher should be able to use the target language fluently and appropriately. Authentic tasks and projects presented Skills are integrated from the beginning: an activity might include reading, speaking, listening, and also writing Teacher's role is primarily to facilitate communication and secondarily to correct errors. Students often engage in role play or dramatization to adjust their use of the target language to different situations. Students regularly work in groups or pairs to transfer and negotiate meaning in situations in which one person has information that the other(s) lack. Content is academic or job-related material, which becomes the course focus with language learning as a simultaneous concern. Content of language course will include social functions and they are as important as linguistic features. The goal of language teaching is the learners' ability to communicate in the target language. When learners are ready to speak, they begin to give each other commands. New structures and vocabulary are introduced this way for an extended time. "Stand up!" "Sit down!" Learners demonstrate comprehension by doing the appropriate level physical action as required.

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Language is often manipulated without regard to meaning or context The teacher must be proficient only in the structures, vocabulary, and other aspects of the language that he or she is teaching, since learning activities and materials are carefully controlled. A great effort is made to prevent learner errors.

background images for presentation in formal

Audiolingual method Vocabulary is severely controlled and limited in the initial stages. The teacher does not have to be able to speak the target language fluently. The result of this approach is usually an inability on the part of the student to use the language for communication. A typical exercise is to translate sentences from the target language into the mother tongue (or vice versa). There is early reading of difficult texts. The focus is on grammatical-parsing, that is the forms and inflections of words. Transcript: Instruction is given in the native language of the students There is little use of the target language for communication. I feel like I've accomplished a lot this year By Monty Warner For example, I have passed all my subjects, i got 3 'A-'s in Drama and a 'B' in Science. The End My Achievements this year S.O.S.E This year I have learned a great amount and better yet I have achieved many things. If we made a mistake we had to cut out a whole new piece. Formal Presentation Technology This year in Technology we created a wooden box with exact measurements.

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I did this with a group of 3 other people: Sidney Dale, Craig Fry and Tyler Harrington. I created a battle scene with play-dough. We learned how many people died and what or who started the battle. English In S.O.S.E we have learned a tremendous amount about medieval battles like the "Sack of Rome". I had to create a eye catching poster and a billboard notice. I choose to make an anti-smoking campaign. Transcript: Thank you for listening to my year 8 Formal presentation In English earlier this year we had to create an advertising campaign about an addiction.

Background images for presentation in formal